
Selasa, 18 September 2012

Alien Skin Bokeh v2 Full Version

Alien Skin Bokeh v2 adalah plug-in untuk adobe photoshop yang sangat populer dan memiliki berbagai macam pilihan efek khusus kreatif, simulasi lensa yang akurat dengan tampilan antar muka yang simple dan user friendly. Para Fotografer mempergunakan tehnik Bokeh untuk memanipulasi foto agar tampak indah dengan memanipulasi fokus, vignette, dan depth of field. Dalam Photography tehnik bokeh didapat dari pemakaian lensa kamera khusus dengan harga yang lumayan mahal, tetapi dengan Alien Skin Bokeh v2 penekanan biaya dalam membeli lensa khusus tersebut dapat diminimakan.

Creative Lens Optics
Bokeh 2 provides many more lens simulation capabilities, including the simulation of motion-like optics found in specialized tilt-shift lenses. Bokeh 2 also simulates traditional fast lenses and also allows you to easily create artistic aperture shapes.

Realistic Depth-Of-Field Simulation
Bokeh allows you to turn an f/22 shot into an f/1 by applying that smooth creamy blur only found in high-end fast lenses.

Aperture Creative Aperture
Create realistic or fanciful shapes in the highlights of your photographs.

Multiple Regions
Bokeh allows you combine multiple radial and planar shapes for more control over your focus region.

Grain Matching New: Grain Matching
When Bokeh is applied to a grainy photo, the blurring process will remove the existing grain structure of the image. The grain matching features allow you to replace the missing grain.

VignetteNew: Vignette Enhancements
In addition to the darkening vignetting effect, Bokeh also provides a bleaching (desaturation) control to remove color in the vignette area. It also has the ability to apply the vignette to an area independent of the blur area.

Settings Enhancements
Bokeh comes with a slew of new factory presets to help you get great results fast. These presets are grouped into meaningful categories and you can combine presets from different groups to create your own customized effect.

Non-Destructive Editing
Bokeh supports a non-destructive workflow, making experimentation easy. Effects in Photoshop are rendered on a new layer, leaving your original image untouched. In Photoshop, Bokeh can be run as a Smart Filter for easy tweaking of the effect after it is created.
Lots of Help

Lisensi : Full with Keygen Core
Format : RAR
Size : 39 MB


 Cara installasi :
1.extract file .rar
2.install file .exe nya  dulu, baru  buka potoshop
3.buka gambar apa aja di potoshop, terus klik menu bar FILTER, click Alien Skin Bokeh 2 > Bokeh...
4.akan mucul Tab ACTIVATION dan keterangan time trial dan klik I have a license code for this product
5.enter KEYGEN yg tadi di ekstrak, klik keygen (tenang aja ini bukan trojan  meskipun anti virus bilang ini malicious), ada drop down menu di bawah, pilih Bokeh v2. klik Generate.
6.Setelah masukin license code, pencet NEXT, terus click "Other Activation Options". bukan Activate Now
7. Copy "Installation ID" ke keygen, terus klik "Activate" buat ngedaptin unlock code
8. Masukin unlock kode ke kotak yg kosong(dibawah Installation ID dan License Number) terus pencet "Next"
9. Enjoy

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