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Jumat, 19 Oktober 2012

RSE SoundBank untuk Guitar Pro 6 Full Version

RSE Sound Bank memang nya buat apa sih? Mungkin banyak yang bertanya-tanya seperti itu. Sebenarnya RSE Sound Bank berfungi untuk membuat suara yang di hasilkan di guitar pro menjadi lebih original, seperti suara instrument aslinya. itu adalah salah satu dari fungsinya, berikut penjelasannya

Main features:

- Supporting GP3/4/5/6 (GPX), PTB formats
- Load files from iTunes, wifi, e-mail, web
- Library included, with search, filters, and favorites
- Multi-track playback, with soundboard: volume / solo-mute / soundbank
- Metronome
- Visual countdown
- 3-level zoom
- Virtual guitar or bass fretboard (also for lefties), and keyboard

Exclusive Guitar Pro features:

- On-the-fly adjustable tempo
- On-the-fly global transposing by half-tones
- Tablature (with rhythmics), standard, and SLASH notations
- Send files via e-mail directly from the application
- Loop-playback of any chosen section
- Easy moving around sections

The RSE: realistic audio playback

The RSE (Realistic Sound Engine) technology includes the realistic studio recordings of instruments, as well as some effect modelisations that are the result of years of research.

You'll get access to over a hundred soundbanks, and over fifty effects pedals and amps. We provide many presets for all styles, and you can also configure your own effect chains. You can apply a mastering to the final result, with a compressor-limiter, a reverb, and a 10-track equalizer. You can also listen to your scores in MIDI sound.

In Guitar Pro 6 the RSE2 offers over a hundred soundbanks, new integrated presets, and the possibility to entirely configure the sound of each track.

Related Post:

Audio Editing

5 komentar:

Unknown mengatakan...

Gimana cara gabungin file Soundbank-nya???
Aku uda coba pake aplikasi joiner, tp ttp ga bisa dibaca oleh GP6-nya...
Jgn2 kamu sendiri blm nyoba nich???

hugetuget mengatakan...

@Ricko ScremoLvr

saya udh mencobanya gan,, cb pakai HJSplit

akbar MH mengatakan...

pas di ekstrak ada yg eror gan? nyangkut di 13% tulisannya "Data eror in '\Soundbanks.gpbank'. File is broken"
gimana ini gan?

Unknown mengatakan...

pas di open kok ga kebaca file soundbank nya gan? padahal udah di satuin pake HJSplit

Anonim mengatakan...

anjir ini udah didonlot part filenya kurang 1 harusnya, masa ukuran rarnya 1,1 gb tapi file dalemnya 1,8 gb ngasal , jangan donlot disini bro

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